Wednesday, October 8


Emotions are a state of mind. You feel and therefore you are. What you feel often have little to do with your physical state of being.

A battered housewife, lying in bed with her husband at night, has anxiety, heart palpitations with the imagined fear of being harm. But she is not in anyway being harm, well, not that exact moment at least.

Think about a interview, a meeting with a prospective employer or client and you will remember the fear of the unknown acutely. But the fear does not impair you in anyway physically, but render you to a nervous pulp internally.

When someone breaks your heart, it is like standing in the shallows of the beach, ankle-deep in the soft sand. The waves comes and washes over you, somehow you are knocked off your feet, surprised at the force of it all. Astonished at how much it hurts.

You are the same person you are a moment ago, a day ago. Physically, nothing changes. But inside, you become so small. Diminished by the affections with held from you.

How do we align our internal to the external? How do we overcome that immense hollow that swallows up all the light?

I think acceptance is key. This is what I've learn. Do not fight or resist the situation.

I am powerless to stop you from falling in love with someone else.

Do not wish for the situation to be other than it is. Do not desire things to go your way. Do not seek to control. This is what causes the pain. Instead, take it in, hold it like a black cloud of poison in your gut and when it threatens to overwhelm you, let it out with your breath and expunge this negative emotion.

Remind yourself, I am as beautiful, as gracious and as worthy of love as before. Nothing's changed. In this moment, choose to be happy and regret nothing. Everything happens for a reason.

Perhaps the healer needs to be healed, and his healer in turn will be healed by another. The tapestry of the big picture is probably the mural that lined the hallway to heaven. Because, only at the end of our lives, will all be revealed.

Namasté, my friend.