Wednesday, September 3

The Man and the Mountain

There is man who lives in a village near a mountain. He has a good life. He works hard and God rewards him with abundant food and water. He has a satisfying family life with a spouse that loves him and 2 children who adore him.

He has, seemingly, a wonderful existence. After all, besides food and water and family and love, what else do we need?

But there is a hunger in the man; he wants to unravel the mystery of the mountain. The mountain, that he sees every time he looks out the window. The mountain, whose shadow covers the village and his home every afternoon from 3pm. The mountain, that’s etched onto his very consciousness. The man wants to know what’s on the other side.

Is it fair that he wants to strike out on his own, leaving behind his family? Simply because he wants to know where the mountain, where life can take him. Should he quash that unceasing desire that burns inside him?

Already, he can feel himself changing. The food that he eats no longer fills him; the joy he used to derive from being around his family has diminished. Strangely, there is a sense of loss for something that he never had. Perhaps, he mourns the passing of time? He has never plan for this to happen. And he is covered with guilt for feeling this way.

He doesn't know what to do. Does he go or does he stay? Can the love of his family douse the fire that the mountain has ignited in him? Or will he go with his life, never able to fully live it, regreting the step that he never took.

"Just melodramatically, metaphorially wondering, of course."
- Cat